Video is Used More for Marketing Hamptons Real Estate Today

One thing that has caught my eye recently is the series of videos prepared by Corcoran Hamptons used to gain new customers as exclusive clients. If you search the Internet for some theme such Corcoran-video-web-clipas “Where is you favorite place to eat in the Hamptons” or “What’s your idea of a perfect day in the Hamptons?” you might just run into a video by Ernie Cervi, Corcoran’s Executive Managing Director for he Hamptons.

In case you didn’t know, Barbara Corcoran sold her real estate firm back in 2001 for $66 million. Barbara had already established The Corcoran Group as a major player in New York using a creative and open-minded approach to marketing and sales. But what I find interesting is that the present Hamptons Corcoran team isn’t resting on Corcoran’s laurels and reputation. They are still going after customers with the same type of creative purposefulness that Barbara had demonstrated. In one of his brief video clips, Ernie Cervi described their approach:

“Your Corcoran agent will develop a specific marketing plan just for your property” – he says.

“Not only will your home appear on, but it will also appear elsewhere on the web, specifically geared towards the eyeballs of those in the market looking for homes. With over 90% of home buyers using the internet as part of their home search today, there’s no better solution than to work directly with us.”

Corcoran is a very large company today with vast resources for marketing. However, if you are a real estate agent or broker who does not have the Corcoran marketing machine behind you, you may want to consider tasteful and cost-effective ways for marketing your properties using effective online marketing techniques. For example, new videos on YouTube quickly rise to the top of Google search lists and Hammptons Content Marketing can help to produce a videos for you and the best marketing strategy for your interests. This may include writing SEO articles, social media, videos, and a host of other aspects that can produce the most effective results.

Tags: cost-effective online marketing, video marketing in real estate, vlogging real estate, marketing property in the Hamptons NY area